I'm sure you will be like what the f***! Lol, this is me
being sincere. As you know this is a blogging community,
I must tell you the truth so if you fall in any of the
ctegories just quit blogging. 1. If its affecting your studies, quit it 2. If you are the copy and paste type, quit it 3. If you don't have time for blogging, quit it 4. If you don't have an idea, quit it 5. If you are not inspired, quit it 6. If you in to make money, quit it 7. If you lack patience, quit it 8. If you can't help others, quit it 9. If you are having doubt, quit it 10. If you don't have a niche, quit it 11. If can't write an article/post, quit it Well the obvious reasons I could come up with if you have
an one, you can reply the thread or if you disagree, you
can also reply the thread.